Friday, April 16, 2010

it’s too late to apologize and the results are in. . .

Alright I get it, I get it I pissed you off or made you sad or shared too much or too little but before I creep back to the corner and say sorry, sorry I wrote what I did, wrote what I did and put it on the internet for the world to read. I might not be on google yet, or maybe I am, but who knows what the future might hold? But people saw it, people saw it and read it and it wasn’t left for me to tell my friend(s) over the bar but I told a few hundred people. Okay I get it. I get what this is about. So all I can say is what I wrote, what I write, reflected a moment in time, might not even be how I feel right now in this very moment. It was my perspective of what happened and although it might not be your truth-it’s mine. It's mine. Let me do tell you- I edit, sparingly of course. Of course. Because it would be less interesting-Disneyfied. I didn’t tell everyone everything but I told what I had to say for myself. If others can share in my pain or joy or honesty or make fun of it-so be it. I am not going to stop. It’s too late to apologize so all I can do is keep going and say, say if only, if only I could write fiction, I would. You gave me the stories so now they are mine. Mine to share if I so choose. And dear family member who will remain nameless of course-I love you so but anything is fair game after your antics. Your quote in the paper made it possible for me to say anything. Anything at all.

now for the good stuff. . .

i am humbled beyond belief. after one month and one week of 5 days a week blogging-here are the results: hits in 6 countries (other than the good old u.s.a)-one that is just on the equator in the ocean (who are you? where you?)- some military hits (possible bf material?)- hits from half the states (both land locked and coastal and both blue and red-yes!).

800 folks have read- and a tad more than a quarter of you have came back for seconds or thirds or fourths+. please keep reading and sharing! feel free to tell me your thoughts. hope you like the addition of pics and new labels. hope you enjoyed this sunshine this past weekend if you had it where you are!

coming soon to a blog near you:

let’s play a game- what’s in your uhaul?

3 o’clock jameson

i don’t want to sit in front a computer for the rest of my life

why I-sometimes-boycott whole foods (maybe)

dirty laundry

champagne hands

i can’t sleep

swimming to angel island

i unheart the o’reilly factor

bill cosby had a point

rejection: harvard and san francisco state

sorry i forgot my tats

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