Friday, December 28, 2012

driving in my own show of humanity

hello my friends,
happy almost new year.  i am hoping given my new job and the fact i have been moved to do more writing might mean more blogging for me.  all my thanks as always.  i hope the new year brings true happiness in a way disney and fairy tales could never imagine.  and that people would understand the power they have to do good in our world.  not too much to ask for.  not much at all.

Am commute how you change just as I get used to. Yesterday, my eyes sanded down by too much melatonin taken at midnight for I must sleep.  They now heard the call of the day screamed in tones by my I phone. I got up from the sleeping bag of my sleepover for one. The warmth of the water awoke me enough for my peanut butter toast breakfast with a side of a homemade cookie. Breakfast of my champions for a Monday. One might say.  No coffee. Today. And onto the maze of the city from my home in the mission to the oasis of the presido. 

Each day I take a different route. Based on the cars almost kissing each other. Based on the time. Based on an errand. Based on an experiment. Every day, I roll down the windows and blast music and sing terribly, an one woman's karaoke just for me. Or possibly for some spectators along the way.  Yesterday I saw a man projectile vomit on the corner. The image was hard to shake from my brain that is used to playing on repeat like teenage days past. What saved me was the air and the lumineers. Hey ho. And probably a deep breath or two.  And away drifted the old Asian man in a jump suit barfing water. 

But today. Today was different.  The light of sun in the clouds. A moment in time a camera can never fully capture.  No justice served in trying.  The coffee as my companion. And as I drove. I saw the mom and toddler with panda hat walk across the street while the toughish looking stranger looked down to the little girl to bid her hello. Smiles splash their faces.  I saw elderly friends of familiarity meet on the corner. And the kids bubbling race to the end of the block. 

 And as I sit in this car disconnected from others somehow I am watching my own show of humanity. I am not the star. Today. Just the observer of a Tuesday am. As I sit at this light, again, the flock of birds move in unison again and again.  The circle of their kind. They keep moving as one. Quietly.  Again and again.  And I'm okay waiting at this light. And watching. It all.  I might have missed it. If I hadn't been watching.

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