have an amazing weekend. and as always all my thanks!
another ten minute quick write- the prompt flesh and blood turned into the science behind the census of our flesh and blood. enjoy!
Flesh and blood. The flesh and blood is supposed to matter more. But it doesn’t. Not always. The family that you have inherited may not be the family you desire. Desire. But still you forgive more, more because they are flesh and blood. As they forgive you of course. Forgive you and welcome you without a moment’s notice and remember things about you that you have forgotten and would have forgotten without the reminder.
Remember when, remember when kate threw up pink. Pink at the ice cream shop because she choked on the bubble gum ice cream. Do they even make that anymore? Probably not, since too many kids choked on it in the 80’s. My aunt tells this story with humor in her eyes- it was funny after we realized you could breath of course, because you barfed pink and pink was your favorite color. It was my favorite color. But then I hated it. Hated it and then gradually I let in back into the repertoire like I allowed tomatoes and pears and yogurt once I decided that my childhood dislikes weren’t mine for a life time.
Flesh and blood. They tell you who you are, who they think you are, and that they love you. Remember when katie would say rubber eggs and rubber butter about her play kitchen, with this speech impediment boston like that speech therapy would mend and fix. Fix. Flesh and blood. Your flesh and blood is the pounding of your heart and head and your genetic makeup but the ability to love and drive you insane is so innate it’s a wonder it’s all a wonder. Because I have friends. Friends that are like flesh and blood. The friends have become my family. My family my flesh and blood of choice. Which when you make the choice sometimes you feel like you did better. Do better than the choices made for you. You.
Because I didn’t choose a crazy conservative 3,000 dollar suit wearing label whore look at me brother. But then he does the best thing and shows up in a way you need him to. And then you would choose him in a second. A second. But then you remember the shoe rules and the patio rules and the rules driven by the ocd and order and denial and you hate him again. I wouldn’t have choosen a mother who couldn’t be one. Be one. Be one entirely or for a lifetime. But I couldn’t choose anything different because who would I be without her. Without her being my mother.
I would haven’t chosen these people to call family but then they are my flesh and blood. They are part of me and when I choose my flesh and blood I find family that is present and there and shows up in ways that my genetic counterparts just can’t . They can’t. There is a beauty in the cards you are dealt in flesh and blood but the choice is in who you choose to be your flesh and blood of friendship because. Because the choice, the choice of family, the way your family, family is, is all yours to decide. To decide. I decided my flesh and blood. My own flesh and blood. My own for a lifetime.
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