Moments of joy mixtures into words you choose to ignore because you must.
Joy. Fun. Swing of a dance move. Swaying around. Life. I choose to ignore the pitter patter of he is loaded. I'm going to get that person fired- spewed with very expensive whiskey in hand. It's almost never good enough. But money really doesn't buy what you want and never will. Keep banging your head against the capitalist wall while singing the chant work hard, play hard.
I enjoy hard work. Hard, meaningful work. The messiness of beginnings and endings and everything in between. If we are always trying to capture the perfect picture everywhere we go - we miss the view. We miss the Polaroids we capture in our mind of the most beautiful moments. Almost always simple in nature. We string them together with rope and twine that we find along the way. The only way we know how. Because they are are just moments. That string together a good life. The quest for it to be always beautiful and grand -every single moment -is futile. Just. Moments. We can only appreciate them since they only last for right now. Right now. This very moment. But they still exist strung together around our hearts and mind.
And when in the depths of the other extremes of life. We can open that part of ourselves again. And watch the Polaroids string sway in the wind of our lives. Or in the greatest of moments of the smallness measure when outside for a walk and hearing a child playing or the view that makes us late for work or that sunset that honestly made you gasp or laughter never ending. Or the day you wish you could play on repeat. Or seeing a face you never thought you would see again. Capture another photo to add to the string. And see them in all their entirety. If you are lucky. You will be able to see it. The Polaroids that sway back and forth in the winds of our life.
This week’s tablehopper: oof. (free)
5 days ago